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"Amateur Astronomy"

In grade school, I avoided displaying my knowledge
of dark matter and particle accelerators, betraying
my father, who had taught me such things
during bike rides past Fermilab...

Previous publications:

  • “On Alicia Ostriker’s Theory of the Nature of Intimacy,” “White Noise,” “Amateur Astronomy,” “Collection in a Studio Apartment,” Oct/Nov 2009, Eclectica Magazine, Spotlight Poet
  • “Holiday,” Spring 2010, Penwood Review; 2010.
  • “On Appetite and Sidewalks,” March 2011, Worcester Review; 2011, Vol. 32 Issue 1/2, p7

"White Noise"

Some mornings,
I walk two blocks
out of the way
to avoid the man
who stands on the corner
selling newspapers.
I pass him
when I buy my coffee...
He seemed the sputter of a candle left burning, the crackle of needle on a record left spinning –
Heather Styka, "White Noise"
Someday I should acknowledge that love and gravity bear no relation.
Heather Styka, "Jane Hawking Earns Her Ph.D in Medieval Spanish Linguistics"

"Collection in a Studio Apartment"

Sometimes I buy boxes
before knowing what
I might put inside
them. And then I have
a box to fill, black
cardboard with metal trim,
wicker, mahogany,
compartments, lids.
So many things can fill
a box: sea shells, matchbooks,
photos of Rome, plastic spoons...

"On Alicia Ostriker's Theory of the Nature of Intimacy"

As I listened to the poet in the orange sweater speak of mothers, blocked volcanos, and how we reserve the purest fury for those we worship...